The Places we create through our practice are animated by Ideas. These Ideas provide the vitality, the surprises, the art experiences that make our architecture more remarkable than the sum of its parts, or the expression of mere functionality.
Many of our Ideas are about ways our architecture can help our communities be more sustainable. For example we are pioneers in the design of high-efficiency / Passive House certified multi-family housing. We are also creating one of the first Cross Laminated Timber multi-family dwellings in NYC.
Other Ideas enhance the culture and experience of our cities, such as PlaceMaking, and seeing each of our buildings as integral to the geology and biology of its locale, something we explore through our work in the practical application of Bioregionalism..
In every design opportunity we search out the unique Ideas that synthesize the goals and culture of our clients with the actualities of place, biology, regulations, and the myriad practical considerations informing our projects.
Keep an eye on this page to see more detailed explorations of the Ideas we are working with.